Structure & Set Up


At Property Accountants we can guide and advise you on the most suitable tax structures for your property investments. Whether you are a smaller sized rental property investor, or a larger property developer, it’s very important to select the right legal ownership structure for your investments.

Furthermore, being specialist property accountants, we will implement smart accounting practices to support your financial goals. These include:

  • Reviewing options to maximise and include all appropriate expenses and deductions.
  • Identifying how to best incorporate your property investment income into your total earnings, along with any other individual or business-related income.
  • Advising on best accounting practices, depending on whether your rental property investment is focused on a ‘long-term purchase and hold’ strategy vs a shorter term ‘purchase, improve then sell’ approach, or other.

When considering the most suitable ownership structure for you, we will advise you on the options and their suitability. For some,it may be owning the property under your own name, or owning the property within a Trust structure, or you may find ownership under a Company structure gives you some additional benefits, e.g. being able to pay a wage to yourself or someone providing the property management service.

Contact Us for Free Consultation

If you would like to learn more about how we can assist you with maximising your property investments, including our accounting services, tax advice, and guidance on ownership structures, please Contact Us.


All our fixed fee annual rental plans come with; Xero, face-to-face meeting and review, rental accounts, tax return and associated IR3s, meeting minutes, unlimited email and telephone advice.

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